Compliance Intelligence is a powerful data reporting and dashboarding application designed to provide clients with the ability to access, manipulate, and export data across QPharma’s suite of Titanium applications. With Compliance Intelligence, clients can easily access and manipulate data to create their own reports and apply filters, enabling them to gain insights into their sample management program and make informed decisions.

Key Features:

  • User-friendly dashboards that allow clients to manipulate and export data.
  • The flexibility to select data from different applications and build custom reports.
  • Reports available in CSV and Excel formats, with the ability to custom-select columns and save preferences.
  • The option to schedule reports to be auto-generated and emailed to clients on a recurring schedule.

With Compliance Intelligence, clients have access to powerful data analytics capabilities that enable them to make informed decisions and gain valuable insights into their sample management program. The application is designed to be user-friendly, providing a comprehensive reporting and dashboarding solution for businesses looking to streamline their compliance reporting processes. Whether you need to generate internal reports or reports for regulators, Compliance Intelligence provides the flexibility and tools necessary to make compliance reporting a breeze.

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